Many people have never heard of a pangolin.  For serious safari goers, it tends to become a big wish because they never see a pangolin.  Sadly, the pangolin is thought to be the most heavily poached/trafficked animal in the world due to the medicinal beliefs of the far East.  In reality, its scales are simply made of keratin, just like rhino horn and our fingernails and hair – no medicinal value.

In this video shot by guides at Bushman Plains, you can see what the scales are really meant for: amazing protection from predators.  Guests of Bushman Plains were present as this leopard tried to get the best of the pangolin for two hours before giving up. Amazingly Bushman Plains guests and guides have had a lot of pangolin sightings, more than a dozen this year so far!   The leopard is a crafty leopard that Bushman Plains guides have known since he was a couple months old.

“The magical blessings of the Pangolin just keep coming to Bushman Plains! The ancestors bless us with these incredible sightings and we honor this special animal with appreciation every time.” – Bushman Plains guides Simon and Diesel