Having given a piece of her heart to Africa, Beth Doane is destined to return, devoting her time to impactful travel. Through her work as an Instagram influencer, writer for Forbes and the NY Times, brand ambassador for Vanity Fair and advisor to the United Nations, Beth is dedicated to spreading awareness about conscientious and life-changing travel choices – imparting an ethos to give back to both communities and our wild spaces.

“I think what drove me as a child and what still inspires me today is what most of us know instinctively — we are not merely on this Earth, we are of it and so much a part of it that whatever we do to this planet we are in essence doing to ourselves. I think that when we are ready to see this truth with open eyes, we will then see massive change occur because we will no longer behave in ways that ensure the demise of the human race as we are doing today.”

Understanding that travel is inextricably linked to the health of the local environment is an essential mindset for conscientious travel. As we emerge to explore once again, we are uncertain how to approach travelgifted with fresh perspectiveAs a representative of responsible tourism initiatives, Beth speaks into embarking on researching activities and operators which are taking profound initiatives to do things right.

The journey begins before the tickets are even booked, choosing companies which conserve land, conserve resources as well as educate guests on the implementation and results of such projects. Reflecting on the Hideaways’ Grow Africa Foundation as well as ethical and creative activities provided by Art of Africashe highlights the importance of affiliating your adventure with initiatives that compliment your travel ethos. These choices resonate throughout a trip – adding to the quality of experience, as well as adding to quality of life for local communities and wildlife.

Kim Sparrow, member of the Hideaways Creative Team, questions Beth on how to impact the less fortunate, without having a fortune yourself. With the advice to focus on your passion, whether it be conservation or community based, research local organisations and give the gift of time – we are reminded that investing in one’s emotional wealth can be priceless. Knowledge is power, and sharing it with others through mentorship, transforms into empowerment.

Watch the full recording here to be reminded of the importance of connecting to nature, the art of giving back, making meaningful travel choices as well as our responsibility to teach our children how to treat their surroundings. This conversation imparts guidance of how we can be a part of positive solutions to conservation issues through our personal journeys – rewriting the environmental narrative to include a happy ending.