The Association for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa (APTA) is excited to be hosting its Global Forum in Cape Town, South Africa September 26-30, 2023. This is the first time that APTA has held the Global Forum on the African continent, so this will be a great opportunity for travel advisors from North America to experience and explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world and network with a delegation of hoteliers, safari operators, destination management companies and tourism organizations from throughout the African continent. Whether you are an African specialist, a travel advisor that is interested in learning about selling Africa or a tourism partner, the APTA Global Forum will be an excellent chance to get information on the latest trends, destinations, and products to further develop your business and tourism to Africa. Here are four reasons you must register right now!:

  1. APTA Global Forum will feature over 20 FAM trips open to all delegates across South Africa, Southern Africa and the Continent
  2. APTA Global Forum will bring together world class speakers to discuss topics of great interest to anyone in the African travel business. 
  3. APTA Global Forum will offer deep discounts on flights and hotels so that North Americans can reach Cape Town at minimal cost. 
  4. APTA Global Forum will give away a slew of fabulous prizes – and you have to be there to win!