Last Minute Availability at Singita Boulders

Anastasia’s Africa, a safari company based in Los Angeles, CA  has 4 Nights Available at Singita Boulders October 13, 14 , 15, 16 for 2 guests… We can release this space to any travel agent or tour operator for use for your clients… If you can use this space, please contact Karin Jones, Managing Director kj@AAfrica. co …

Malawi Farmers Diversify to Fight Climate Change

Around 80 per cent of Malawi’s and indeed the world’s agriculture depends on rain, however rainfall is becoming more erratic forcing farmers to change traditional practices. A UN Development Programme-supported  (UNDP) project in the southern African country is helping to mitigate variable rainfall patterns through the introduction of new crops and practices, such as tomatoes and beekeeping, and the installation of a solar-powered irrigation system. Read more here about how farmers in Malawi are fighting climate…

Auric Air Going Green and Enhancing Safety

Auric Air Services Limited has the pleasure to announce that it has taken its first step towards PERFECTING FLYING TRAINING ALL THE WHILE ELIMINATING CARBON EMISSIONS. Annually,  training flights cause emissions of excessive amounts of carbon from the burning of Hundred of thousands of litres of fuel. This has now been significantly reduced all the while training hours…