Kenya Projects 1.4 Million Arrivals

Kenya’s Tourism Research Institute projects that the country will reach 1.4 million arrivals and over KES265 billion (€2.2bn) in earnings by December, about 74% of 2019’s best ever tourism figures of more than two million visitors. TRI has posted multiple updates on Twitter, outlining Kenya’s annual tourism sector performance report. In one post it notes…

Kenya and Uganda Intensify Collaboration

Kenya and Uganda are further bolstering their strong tourism ties with the establishment of the first ever Kenya Coast – Uganda Tourism Conference and Exhibition in November. Kenya is Uganda’s number-one source market for tourists while Mombasa is a key destination for Ugandans. Last year, Uganda saw 512 945 tourism arrivals, 326 387 of which…

Kenya Launches Mammal Monitoring App

The National Museums of Kenya and the Mammal Committee of Nature Kenya have partnered with Spotteron Citizen Science to develop and launch a mobile app that assists in the tracking and logging of mammals in the country. The Mammal Atlas Kenya, or Makenya, app allows users to to record GPS co-ordinates of an area where they…