Evidently, Toto really did bless the rains down in Africa as we enter our Wet Season in Zimbabwe and Green Season in Botswana. 

Zimbabwe’s Wet Season is from October to February every year. This means that it gets quite hot during the day, with scattered rains and jaw-dropping thunderstorms. Wildlife may be a bit more difficult to spot at this time as the bush thickens in the lush climate, and the wildlife like to take shelter. However, this is the best time for avid or even amateur birdwatchers to explore Zimbabwe as the migratory birds are in full flight between October and February. 

Botswana enters its Green Season between November and March annually, with a warm and humid climate broken by dramatic yet spectacular thunderstorms. Green season is full of activity as more bird species enter the area and the breeding pairs begin to settle. It’s also peak season for those wanting to experience the majestic, world-famous Okavango Delta and explore the incredible Botswana waterways on a Mokoro (a traditional African ‘canoe’) safari.