Healing Little Hearts is a UK based registered children’s charity that provides free heart surgery (open heart surgery and interventional cardiac catheterisation) to babies and children in the developing parts of the world. Every year more than a million children are born with congenital heart disease worldwide. Sadly, only 10% of these children receive the lifesaving treatment they desperately need. Healing Littles Hearts visit the countries where the vast majority of those who do not receive the treatment live. Its primary aim is to ensure all children are given the opportunity to live the life they deserve.
Kenya’s population is under 50 million with more than 46% living below the poverty line. Based on the population and WHO report, approximately 5,000 children require congenital heart surgery in Kenya each year. The number of children who do not receive these interventions is daunting.

In October 2023, the Healing Little Hearts visited Kenya and 30 deserving children got benefitted from either a surgical or device closure procedures.
Pollman’s Tours & Safaris provided complimentary transport logistics for its team of surgeons and nurses while staying in Nairobi performing these life changing procedures. This is the second time we have supported the charity and our aim is to continue to do so going forward. We highly commend all those associated and involved in the charity. Their efforts help to give Kenyan children another chance in life.

If you would like more information or learn how to donate please contact Rori Lubeck at Rori.lubeck@wgausa.com