Great Safaris, an award-winning luxury safari outfitter, has just debuted its first ever “green” tour for 2015 travel. If you are an eco-conscious traveler or want to start doing your part to protect the natural world, you will love the new Good Earth South Africa Safari itinerary. This 12-day tour takes guests on a socially responsible adventure across the beautiful South African terrain while keeping each traveler’s carbon footprint to a minimum. In addition, a portion of the proceeds from every person booked will be donated to a charity of the traveler’s choice.
Guests will receive the best safari experience possible, getting the opportunity to give back to local communities, gain knowledge about local issues as well as explore diverse ecosystems in search of the most majestic creatures on Earth.
Begin your journey with a “Carbon Neutral” hop-on, hop-off bus tour of Cape Town to investigate the glorious city. Discover the Malay Quarter, wander through the city center gardens, visit the historic Castle of Good Hope, then ride the cable car to the top of Table Mountain for a stunning panoramic view. On day three, choose to take a tour of the Cape Winelands or join a “Carbon Negative” biking tour through the Valley. Either way, you will enjoy a fabulous lunch at the socially responsible La Motte Restaurant and Winery. Then head to the Cheetah Outreach Center for an opportunity to learn about these incredible animals, Africa’s oldest felines.
Ride along the coast to the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, a five-star eco paradise showcasing extraordinary flora and marine life on the southern tip of Africa. Plant a tree to support the rehabilitation of the ancient Milkwood forests then set out on a boating safari to see the Big Marine 5 – whales, sharks, dolphins, seals and penguins. Grootbos offers other eco adventures including horseback riding, bird watching, nature walks and more.
Wing your way to Johannesburg where, in collaboration with Pack for a Purpose, you will bring much needed supplies to people in the local community. Then spend your last few days in Kruger National Park, setting off on thrilling game drives in search of endemic wildlife. Spend your nights at the eco-conscious Hamiltons Tented Camp, which is completely run by solar energy and supports the surrounding community.
A portion of the proceeds from every booking will be donated to one of the wonderful organizations helping to conserve and restore South Africa’s natural world. Guests will be able to select one of these three groups to receive their monetary gift: Give to the community through Grootbos Foundation; support wildlife rehabilitation with Cheetah Outreach; restore the environment and create healthy ecosystems with Trees for Tourism. For more information on the Good Earth Safari and other Great Safaris’ tours, visit or call a safari expert at 800-409-7755.


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