Tourism players in Tanzania have launched a lifetime bid that will see them plough back cash towards the country’s fresh conservation drive.
For the first time in history, the tour and hotel operators have officially committed themselves to becoming responsible tourism players, by supporting conservation initiatives in the country’s national parks.

Last week, they followed through on their rhetoric by contributing a patrol vehicle worth $90,000 (about TSh200 million) to a conservation initiative dubbed Serengeti De-Snaring, the brainchild of Mr. Willbard Chambulo, owner of Tanganyika Wilderness Camps (TWC).

“This program will extend over the 16 national parks, but we’ve started here in Serengeti, where snaring has become yet another major threat to our wildlife,” explained Mr. Chambulo, who doubles as the Chairman of the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO).
Read more:
Tanzania fights poaching