United States Excluded from South Africa Reopening

South Africa’s borders will reopen on October 1 for international travel, except for leisure travellers from a group of countries classed ‘high risk’. In a media briefing today, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor, explained that South Africa had used WHO guidelines to determine three categories of countries – high-, medium- and low-risk. Pandor…

SAA Finalizing Restructuring Process

The South African Department of Public Enterprises confirms that government will reprioritize funds to finalise the restructuring of South African Airways (SAA) and the implementation of the airline’s business rescue plan. An announcement to this effect will be announced in the Adjustments Appropriation Bill, which will be introduced in Parliament soon. The national carrier will…

Uganda Wildlife Services Post COVID Standard Operating Procedures

MINISTRY OF TOURISM, WILDLIFE AND ANTIQUITIES | UGANDA WILDLIFE AUTHORITY 1 PURPOSE OF THE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOPS) 1.1 Introduction Both the Uganda Wildlife Act, 2019 and the Wildlife Policy 2014 provide for conservation and sustainable management of wildlife resources, coordination, monitoring and supervision of activities related to wildlife management in Uganda. This mandate is…

Hideaways Supports the World Ranger Challenge

Wildlife as we know it, as well as the rangers who protect our wild spaces, are both at risk of becoming endangered. With the economic repercussions of Covid-19, salaries and funding for anti-poaching initiatives have dried up – along with sustainable solutions. With families of rangers destitute and animals helpless, the fire is fueled to…