Introducing…The Association of the Promotion of Tourism to Africa’s (APTA) newest chapter, the Virtual Chapter
We’ve designed the Virtual Chapter to grow and share our community’s passion for the love of Africa in a format that works for all of our remote members. By joining the Virtual Chapter, you’ll have access to everything that APTA has to offer. Stay engaged with other chapter and corporate members through our social media platforms and by participating in webinars and virtual events. As a virtual member, you’ll receive our monthly newsletters as well as our weekly Dispatches and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet APTA corporate and chapter members at our annual Forum. 
Who is the Virtual Chapter for?

APTA’s Virtual Chapter is for individual members seeking to involve themselves in the APTA community, but do not reside near an existing, active chapter.

How do I Stay Connected? 

Since members of the Virtual Chapter are located all over the United States and we’re not able to get together in person, APTA has created a diverse webinar library full of informative and educational videos from our Corporate Members. As a Virtual Member, you have exclusive access to this tool so please utilize it!  

You’re invited to our upcoming events! 

Wed, June 30th at 3pm ET | Virtual Chapter Meet Up, an Intro to APTA
Register Here

Beginning in July, APTA will be launching anAfrica Webinar Series. We will be covering everything from Eastern and Southern Africa to the tropical islands of the Maldives and Seychelles. Stay tuned for more information and registration. And mark your calendar for the first session onJuly 27th featuring Kenya and Tanzania!


Follow us on facebook! Our Virtual Chapter Facebook page allows you to stay in touch with other Virtual Members and stay up to date with other happenings in the APTA community. 




If you’re as passionate about Africa as we are, we’d love to have you join the APTA community. If you have any questions about the Virtual Chapter, please reach out to Jessie Tate at