Legacy Collection isn’t just a jewelry collection. Each piece is a poignant work of art made from the Robben Island fence, once the fence was a symbol of oppression is now a new symbol of hope, forgiveness and freedom. Legacy Collection products are handmade and locally produced in Cape Town. Each range (Peace; Rights; Justice; Liberty; Grace;.. ) are aptly named in honour of South Africa’s road to democracy.
It is Legacy Collections vision and commitment to continue investing in South Africa’s development by empowering previously disadvantaged individuals by creating pieces of art that tell the beautiful story of triumph for generations to come. Remembering that through confinement and struggle; strength and resilience triumphs.
Legacy Collection is hosting a Black Friday promotion for APTA members with very limited availability. https://legacycollection.org/
- APTA promo orders will be “Made to Order” (excludes chandelier / framed art).
- Delivery with FedEex will be the week of the 11th December from Cape Town.