Happy new year everybody.

OurAfrica is set to host an exciting digital trade show for those involved in selling products related to Africa, and it’s proudly sponsored by Destination Africa. The event is scheduled to run 24/7 from February 5th to 9th, offering a global platform for businesses to showcase their offerings.

You can find more details about the event at OurAfrica.travel. The virtual platform opens for interactions on January 23rd, a couple of weeks before the official start date, providing participants an early opportunity to familiarize themselves with the platform and engage in preliminary networking.

What’s even more convenient is that the virtual platform will remain live for an additional week after the show concludes on February 9th, extending until February 16th, 2024. This extension ensures that participants have ample time to follow up on connections made during the event, fostering continued discussions and collaborations.

Destination Africa, represented by Niel Els, Duncan Muriuki, and Rune Engstrøm, is looking forward to welcoming many participants to this exciting digital trade show. It’s a fantastic opportunity for businesses to explore, connect, and trade within the African market. Best wishes to all involved for a successful and productive event!