Insurgents Seize Mozambican Town of Palma

Insurgents seized control of much of a town in Mozambique on Saturday, after a three-day siege that has left at least several people dead and hundreds of other civilians unaccounted for as government forces try to regain control, according to private security contractors in East Africa and news reports. Nearly 200 people, including dozens of foreign workers,…

Kenya Bans Domestic Flights for International Tourists

Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta, has rejected claims by local airlines that domestic flights for international tourists will be allowed. He reiterated in a statement: “All domestic passenger flights into and out of the zoned area of Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu and Nakuru shall cease to operate until further notice. This includes international tourists on planned itineraries with tour…

“Seychelles is Open” Webinar – April 7

Following an aggressive vaccination program that has enabled it to become the world’s first nation to achieve COVID-19 herd immunity, Seychelles has reopened to all tourists regardless of vaccination status as of March 25th 2021! Join the Seychelles Tourist Board for a one hour session reintroducing the Seychelles and all its 115 islands have to…

South Africa Vaccine Program On Track

Although there have been delays in securing vaccine supplies, government was still confident in achieving its vaccination targets, said President Cyril Ramaphosa in his latest ‘family meeting’ address to the nation yesterday (March 30). He noted that South Africa had begun Phase 1 of its vaccination programme in February – the vaccination of health workers – which…

Tanzania Welcomes New “Royal Migration Camp”

Royal Migration Camp is Tanzania’s newest, luxury seasonal migration camp that moves twice – from Ndutu to Kogatende. This intimate 6-tent camp has a separate dining tent, lounge tent, bar tent with a billiard table and a massage tent. Along with his Tanzanian partner, Saad bin Jung of the royal Bhopal family brings the royal…